How to get a RGB value:
For customers who wish to get a skin RGB value for the purpose of tinting body-prim attachments (i.e., prim feet), follow these simple steps:

1) Sit on a posestand (a furniture might do). This is to prevent your avatar from moving around while you get the RGB numbers.

2) Enable your Develop menu. It will appear in the upper left area of your client. You can toggle this menu off and on by hitting Ctrl + Alt + Q simultaneously (this is known as a "hotkey").

3) Follow this menu path:
DEVELOP > SHOW INFO> select Show Color Under Cursor

4) This will activate the RGB tool. You will see a set of numbers in the lower right corner of your client; these are RGB values.

5) Place your cursor over your avatar, on an exposed portion of skin that is as close to the area where your body-prim attachment will be. For example, if you are going to tint prim feet/toes, you will want to place your cursor as near to the prim as possible.

6) Note what your RGB values are. Write them down so that you can refer to them later.

That's it! Your body-prim attachment should have come with a HUD device that will let you input your own RGB numbers.

If you are unable to get a perfectly matching result, you will need to consult with the seller of the attachment.

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